Apply for Funding
The Diablo Firesafe Council supports a wide variety of wildfire prevention and hazard mitigation by securing and providing funds for proven risk-reduction measures.
From thinning dead trees to clearing roadways, getting fire-safe often requires hiring professional services. That work may be eligible for cost-sharing assistance.
We review applications on a quarterly basis and welcome the opportunity to help.
Contact Joelle Fraser with any questions at
Up to $5,000 of cost-sharing is available to reduce your fire risk.
Defensible space fuel-reduction projects are eligible for cost-share assistance of up to $5,000 per project. Funds are available to organizations or groups of individuals to hire contractors to reduce fuel loads and create defensible space.
DFSC may assist Alameda County or Contra Costa County property owners with vegetation management projects that will lead to compliance with their local fire department’s defensible space requirements in areas designated as Priority Hazard Zones.
Contractors will be hired directly by property owners with cost-sharing funds augmenting property owner contributions. Diablo Firesafe Council will maintain a list of contractors to aid the property owners with the selection and scoping of project work. We pay a portion of project costs directly to contractors, though contractors and homeowners will not contract with the Diablo Firesafe Council.