Newsletter Archive
Happy 2025! In our January newsletter read about how a Sunol FIrewise group cleared an evacuation route, and interview with DFSC board president Sheryl Drinkwater, donation goal progress and RPP recap.
In the February issue: Meet the Board Ra Criscitiello and see her goats used for fuel reduction, Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) for Berkeley property is a success and Myths and Truths about defensible space.
In this month’s issue: Zone 0 — Use Non-Combustible Mulch; Free Chipper Programs; Meet the Board – Tom Gandesbery; Regional Priority Plan, Round 1, Ranked; Alameda County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Has Been Completed!
2025 Archive
This month we announce Cost-Share Application is OPEN and please donate to The Cheryl Miller Fund. We cover the RRP 2 meeting recap with recording and go over fire risk and home hardening.
In this newsletter we announce our Annual Report 2023! Share a Cost-Share success in Kensington, $5k for SNAP and a Thank You to PG&E.
Happy Birthday DFSC, Home Harden Your Roof, $5k for Fuel Reduction Project and more in this month’s newsletter.
In our September newsletter we cover the how DFSC helped get 13 citations turned around, RPP Stakeholder Meeting, gutter maintenance and more.
Check out our August newsletter that goes over vents, upcoming stakeholder's meeting and new grants.
In this July newsletter. See how local celebrity Wendy Tokuda used cost share money from DFSC. Also check out our update on the Wildfire Prioritization Plan through a recent grant from California Coastal Conservancy.
In our June Newsletter: Meet DFSC board member and East Bay Regional Parks Fire Captain Patrick McIntyre, learn about our FREE Home Hardening Education Program and make use of a Hazard Lookup from CalOES.
In our May Newsletter we go over tips for to harden your home for Wildfire Preparedness Week.
In our February Newsletter: Evacuation App, Organizing Tools, and FEMA Teens.
In our January newsletter: Oakland Firewise home hardening event a huge success; how California Firesafe Council is developing adaptive communities; and a Wildfire Hazards and Wildfire Risk to Structures presentation you don’t want to miss.