Newsletter Archive

  • Happy 2025! In our January newsletter read about how a Sunol FIrewise group cleared an evacuation route, and interview with DFSC board president Sheryl Drinkwater, donation goal progress and RPP recap.

  • This month we announce Cost-Share Application is OPEN and please donate to The Cheryl Miller Fund. We cover the RRP 2 meeting recap with recording and go over fire risk and home hardening.

  • In this newsletter we announce our Annual Report 2023! Share a Cost-Share success in Kensington, $5k for SNAP and a Thank You to PG&E.

  • Happy Birthday DFSC, Home Harden Your Roof, $5k for Fuel Reduction Project and more in this month’s newsletter.

  • In our September newsletter we cover the how DFSC helped get 13 citations turned around, RPP Stakeholder Meeting, gutter maintenance and more.

  • Check out our August newsletter that goes over vents, upcoming stakeholder's meeting and new grants.

  • In this July newsletter. See how local celebrity Wendy Tokuda used cost share money from DFSC. Also check out our update on the Wildfire Prioritization Plan through a recent grant from California Coastal Conservancy.

  • In our June Newsletter: Meet DFSC board member and East Bay Regional Parks Fire Captain Patrick McIntyre, learn about our FREE Home Hardening Education Program and make use of a Hazard Lookup from CalOES.

  • In our May Newsletter we go over tips for to harden your home for Wildfire Preparedness Week.

  • In our February Newsletter: Evacuation App, Organizing Tools, and FEMA Teens.

  • In our January newsletter: Oakland Firewise home hardening event a huge success; how California Firesafe Council is developing adaptive communities; and a Wildfire Hazards and Wildfire Risk to Structures presentation you don’t want to miss.

  • Support Diablo Firesafe Council with holiday giving and gifting this December.

  • In the Diablo Firesafe November newsletter: Mutilingual wildfire guides and public messaging; live fire demonstrations of home hardening; and staying on top of new policies (the rules are changing.

  • In the October newsletter: Ways that cold wind and flooding create wildfire risk; Fire Prevention Week events (pancakes everywhere!); and the California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force makest Regional Resource Kits available for all.

  • Our September newsletter highlights valuable lessons from the Maui wildfires, the importance of visible house numbers, and the Diablo Firesafe Council announces our new Executive Director, Holly Million.

  • The August newsletter highlights include: Evacuation planning, indoor air filters to keep your home smoke-free, and the Oakland FD is hiring.

  • Our June newsletter features: Kensington community completes fuel reduction with $3,000 provided by DFSC; Oakland deploying outdoor smoke detectors; and our Partners in Wildfire Prevention event is oming up fast.

  • Our May newsletter features: Critial Resources: Fire forecasts and alert systems, fuel reduction cost-sharing grants, and free chipping services.

  • Landscaping webinar, Sudden Oak Death (SOD), and the launch of Zone 0.

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